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George Harrison Said the Younger Generations Needed to Be Brainwashed With the Truth With Good Music and Art

George Harrison on brainwashing the younger generations

During a 1967 interview with Melody Maker (per George Harrison on George Harrison: Interviews and Encounters), George said the younger generations needed to be brainwashed with good music and art to see the truth again.

“But the music is very important because of the ‘mass media’ point of view,” he said. “I think music is the main interest of the younger people. It doesn’t really matter about the older people now because they’re finished anyway. There’s still going to be years and years of having all these old fools who are governing us and who are bombing us and doin’ all that because, you know, it’s always them.

“But it’s no good getting hung up about them because the main thing is to get the kids. You know, this is the Catholic trick—they nail you when you’re young and brainwash you, and then they’ve got you for the rest of your life. In actual fact, do this sort of thing—but brainwash people with the truth—turn them all onto music and books at that age, then they’ll live a better life.

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