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Georgia Federal Court: Engineering Professor Hacks Dominion Voting Machine Using Only A Pen To Change Vote Totals In Front Of US District Judge (Videos)

Computer science and engineering professor J. Alex Halderman was able to hack a Dominion voting tabulator in a federal court in Atlanta, Georgia in front of US District Judge Amy Totenberg, and he only used a pen to change vote totals.  And the Mockingbird Media and lying, corrupt politicians tell us there is no election fraud taking place!

Propaganda outlet CNN reported:

Georgia election officials have been aware of existing vulnerabilities in the state’s voting software for more than two years but continue to insist the system is safe and won’t be updated until after 2024, according to a report that was unsealed this week as part of a controversial court case in Georgia.

The report’s findings focus on weaknesses in software for certain Dominion Voting machines. Those weaknesses were previously verified by federal cybersecurity officials, who urged election officials across the country to update their systems.

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