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Georgia’s Radical Progressive Senator Launches Crazy Attack on Trump Supporters


Democratic Sen. Raphael Warnock of Georgia raised a question to Christians who support Donald Trump wondering what God they actually worship.

He went so far as to liken them to American Christians in the past who supported slavery or segregation. It should be noted that the abolition movement was Christian at its core, but that’s for another time.

An Associated Press VoteCost poll conducted following the 2020 election found that 81 percent of white Evangelicals cast their ballot for Trump, while 18 percent voted for Biden.

Additionally, VoteCast found that 50 percent of Catholics went for Trump and 49 percent for Biden.

So Trump garnered a large percentage of the Christian vote.

And this is not surprising, given his record of promoting religious liberty, and supporting the pro-life cause.

During an interview on the “The New Yorker Radio Hour” published last week, host David Remnick asked Warnock, “The enormous number of people of earnest faith, who look at someone who lies the way [Trump] does, who’s now been convicted of multiple felonies, how do you analyze that?”

“Well, there were a number of Christians, a whole lot of Christians, who were pro-slavery. And, there are a whole lot of Christians who were pro-segregation,” Warnock answered.

“There’s a recurring line by Martin Luther King Jr. in his letter from the Birmingham jail. He says it a few times, and in his speeches — he says, ‘I am so disappointed in the American church,’” the senator continued, noting he was paraphrasing King’s letter


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