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Global Food Shortages Continue To Worsen. India Bans Rice Exports After Russian Grain Deal Fails, As US Crop Failures Persist

by Jacob M. Thompson


“I feel like we’ve been punched in the mouth twice. And if there’s a third punch, maybe it’s, you know, longer duration into early August, and I think we’re going to see some possible significant yield loss,” an accredited atmospheric scientist said.

Food shortages and risk of famine worldwide continue to grow as crop failures continue to mount globally along with production and shipping continually being inconsistent. Now recent events just this month alone have cranked things up a bit.

Indian Rice Collapse

The most recent example of this comes from India, where the nation issued an alarming warning that they will no longer be exporting their rice for the foreseeable future, which will force the price of rice higher.

India is the world’s leading exporter of rice…


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