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Globalist Koch Network Pulls the Plug on Nikki Haley After Her Dismal Presidential Primary Performances

By Shane Trejo

After getting shellacked by President Trump in the South Carolina Republican presidential primary, the globalist Koch Network is defunding Nikki Haley’s presidential campaign.

Americans for Prosperity Action, the Koch-backed front group that works to undermine America First causes within the Republican Party, will no longer throw money away on Haley’s failing run for president. They are pulling the plug, although they will continue to pay lip service to Haley despite offering no real support.

“Given the challenges in the primary states ahead, we don’t believe any outside group can make a material difference to widen her path to victory,” AFP Action CEO Emily Seidel wrote in a staff email that leaked to the press. “And so while we will continue to endorse her, we will focus our resources where we can make the difference.”

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