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Globalists Launch New Assault On MEK In Albania and France

By Staff Writer


The globalist world order has begun a new assault on the People’s Mujaheddin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), the primary resistance movement against the Mullahs in Iran. On Tuesday, Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama order his Interior Minister to send more than 1,000 militarized Albanian police officers to attack the organization’s Ashraf 3 base near Durrës. Meanwhile, French authorities banned an upcoming MEK rally in Paris scheduled for July 1.

The Organization issued a press release about the assault:

“At the behest of the religious fascism ruling Iran, this morning around 1,000 Albanian policemen attacked Ashraf in a criminal and suppressive onslaught. They broke many doors, closets, and equipment and attacked the residents with tear gas and pepper spray. Many computers were broken or taken away.

As a result of this criminal attack, a member of the Mujahedin-e Khalq (PMOI/MEK), Mr. Ali Mostashari, was killed and more than 100 people were injured due to police firing pepper spray. Many of them are in critical condition and some were transferred to Mother Teresa Hospital in Tirana…


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