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God Bless The Hero Schoolkids Who Refuse To Let Mask Police Abuse Them



Good on those kids who think for themselves, trust their parents more than the state, and aren’t cowed by authoritarian intimidation tactics.

Peer pressure is a big deal when you’re in eighth grade. Or 12th grade, or preschool — or as an adult. Since March 2020, most of us have ashamedly slipped the loops of our masks over our ears a few times when walking into a store for no reason other than to avoid dealing with dirty stares from Karens in the baking aisle. Having to defend yourself gets old.

The ridiculous, illogical mandates that many Americans have put up with over the past two years show just how easily the fear of sticking out can make people fall into line. Those who care enough to keep pushing back are fewer than they should be, as evidenced by the fact that we haven’t chucked the whole “science has changed” corporate media cabal into the ocean and jailed Dr. “I am science” Fauci.

Those who can’t be bothered to push back could learn a lesson out of the mouths of babes.



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