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God Is the Cure, the Medical Profession and Our Politicians Is the Disease, When the Cure Is Worse Than the Illness, “Face Masks Should Not Be

Worn by Healthy Individuals…

On Monday April 27, 2020 Attorney General Bill Barr issued a Memorandum directing Department of Justice prosecutors to act against authorities imposing lock-down measures that “could be violating the constitutional rights and civil liberties of individual citizens. Barr said “… the Constitution is not suspended in times of crisis.  We must therefore be vigilant to ensure  its protections are preserved,…”

Due Process & Equal Protection Must Apply For All Public Policy Orders On Wearing Masks
People must be afforded their due process rights before deprivation of liberty. ARMSTRONG V. MONZO, 380 US 545, 552, 14 LEd2d 62, 85 SCt 1187 (1965).

Furthermore Wearing A Masks Routinely Is Not Good for Healthy People

The American Medical Association Journal Notes Masks Are Not For Healthy People

“Face masks should not be worn by healthy individuals to protect themselves from acquiring respiratory infection because there is no evidence to suggest that face masks worn by healthy individuals are effective in preventing people from becoming ill. Face masks should be reserved for those who need them because masks can be in short supply during periods of widespread respiratory infection. Because N95 respirators require special fit testing, they are not recommended for use by the general public.” April 21, 2020 Issue of JAMA | JAMA Network –


Experts Say Healthy People Should Not Wear a Mask Because They Don’t Work Anyway

Most masks being worn by people are not blocking your breath from going through the mask as imagined. And a mask blocks your breath from misting out particles it can also be preventing a healthy level of air oxygen from getting into the mask for you to breath. See other videos below for evidence of this also.

People Speak Out Against Orders To Wear a Mask For Numerous Reasons

One reason is that there are not any more deaths in the last year than any other year for the last decade which shows that the death rate for the Covid-19 is not real say people against mask orders. People die of other illnesses and are being counted as Covid-19.

Public Health and Safety Hazard

Also, there are reports of workers not smelling gas leaks in the workplace at times because of wearing masks. Further, all people can pollute their lungs with dangerous synthetic microfibers and chemicals from wearing face coverings; see below for more on this.

Nurse Says A Mask Can Create a CO2 Acid State In Your Body & Promote Sickness and They Don’t Work.

When people wear masks on a regular basis it can create a PH imbalance and acidic state in the body which can aggravate, worsen and inflame the effects and symtoms of disorders in the body and make one sicker not better over time.

There Can Be No Lawful Penalty For Not Wearing A Mask

Due process of law is violated when the government attempts to penalize people for exercising protected statutory or constitutional rights. US V. CONKINS, 987 F2d 564 (9th Cir. 1993). There can be no penalty imposed upon someone because of his or her exercise of Constitutional rights. Sherar v. Cullen, 481 F 2d 945/6(1973). Furthermore, a black letter law maxim says, “He who uses his legal rights, harms no one.”

Toxic Micro-Fibers / Plastics Can Be Breathed In From Wearing Masks

Most masks worn are made out of synthetic fibers and are toxic in nature. “Also, just by wearing synthetic clothes, plastic fibers are constantly released in the air” So imagine how much more plastic microfibers are released and breathed into peoples lungs because their breath is assualting and wearing down the mask material at a faster rate and they are likely breathing in these toxic fibers at a concentrated level.

Healthy People Are Being Warned Not To Wear Face Masks

Experts fear that incorrect use of face masks can lead to more infections not less. There is no real evidence that face masks can protect people who are not ill. Wearing a mask the wrong way can actually cause people to get sick.

Masks Can Cause Oxygen Levels Below OSHA Health and Safety Standards

“Human beings must breathe oxygen . . . to survive, and begin to suffer adverse health effects when the oxygen level of their breathing air drops below 19.5 percent oxygen … air is considered oxygen-deficient …  workers … can rapidly become symptomatic as their tissues fail to obtain the oxygen necessary to function properly.”

Neurosurgeon details risks of face masks & not wearing one is a Wise Choice.

One should not attack and insult those who have chosen not to wear a mask, as these studies suggest that is the wise choice to make.    Click Below Link For More & Why!

(Wearing A Mask Can Be Dangerous) Letter: Neurosurgeon details the risks of face masks. Face Masks Pose Serious Risks To Healthy People By Russell Blaylock, MD. “By wearing a mask, the exhaled viruses will not be able to escape and will concentrate in the nasal passages, enter the olfactory nerves, and travel into the brain. – … One should not attack and insult those who have chosen not to wear a mask, as these studies suggest that is the wise choice to make. Russell Blaylock, MD …

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