“I can say with 100% certainty that this drill works”
By Celia Farber
“GREAT NEWS from a few weeks ago when I took Anna’s online class on childhood PTSD. I took that class because she mentioned that she had a serious head-injury in her younger days that put her unconscious and in the hospital AND I had a serious head injury in 7th grade from football (unconscious for 16 hours and a migraine for a week) (my dad did NOT trust doctors and hospitals so I wasn’t taken to either and NOW I can see his wisdom). In fact I thought he was unbalanced in saying this “I saw more blood and guts at the hands of doctors and medics (in World War II in the South Pacific battles that he fought in ) THAN I DID FROM BULLETS AND BOMBS.” His words today are now what I call wisdom – after COVID and vaccines.
“In Anna’s course she had an exercise where one says a word on the exhale for 20 minutes. She advised to choose a word or use the word “THIS”. So I said “THIS” on the exhale for 20 minutes. Seemed like the act of a crazy person. Later in the day I did it again but used the word “LENZ” – it felt better. The next day I switched again to “HUMMM” an easy relaxing exhalation. After two days of this I realized that the tightness to my neck, in turning to my left which has been greatly restricted since 7th grade, was noticeably improved. So as a “test” I played golf, a sport where one has to look left (my bad side) on every shot and every putt several times. And every swing is a “pull” from the left side. I figured this would set me back with all of this left sidedness. But it didn’t! There was NO setback – no loss of flexibility that I have gained from this exhalation drill.
Read Full Article Here…(celiafarber.substack.com)
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