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GOP lawmaker visits Darien Gap ‘pipeline’ that pumps tens of thousands of migrants to southern border

By Sara A. Carter

Rep. Tom Tiffany (R-WI) appeared on the Sara Carter Show to swap stories with Carter on both of their recent trips to Central America. Carter recently returned from Guatemala and Tiffany just returned from Panama. What Tiffany discovered was a “pipeline that runs all the way through Central America, Northern South America, Central America” right up to the southern border.

“First of all, this is not just about people in Mexico or Central America,” Tiffany said. In fact, people from countries outside of Central America make up the second largest group of people that Border Patrol officers encounter at the border. Instead, people from over 160 countries use this pipeline at the Darien gap to get to the southern border tens of thousands at a time.

“And it’s a harrowing journey,” Carter said. “The Darien gap is one of the most, if not the most dangerous place on planet Earth.”

Tiffany stayed in a town called Meteti along the Darien gap to experience what some of these migrants go through. Locals told him that thousands of people a day travel through this town, but there’s only one doctor and he works in a medical tent. And these migrants are not without injury.

“We saw people coming out of the jungle, they had trench foot, some people look like they were about to get gangrene,” Tiffany said. “I saw a woman being wheeled borrowed into a medical facility.”

War correspondent and previous guest on the show Michael Yon has stayed in the Darien gap for weeks, reporting on the recent migrations. Yon estimates that 1 in 7 migrants die along the journey.


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