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Gov. DeSantis Announces $5,000 Proposed Bonus to Abused Police Officers from Liberal Cities to Move to Florida (VIDEO)

By Jim Hoft

Governor Ron DeSantis (R-FL) joined Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning Futures this morning.

The two discussed the continued assaults on America by Democrats and the Biden regime.

In Chicago over 3,000 police officers may lose their job for not being vaccinated for the coronavirus even if they have natural immunity to the virus.

DeSantis told Bartiromo he is proposing a plan to give abused police officers from liberal cities a $5,000 bonus if they move to Florida.

Governor Ron DeSantis: You’re right. What Biden’s doing is unconstitutional. He does not have the authority to do this. But what it will do on a practical level, in addition to it being unconstitutional, in addition to taking away people’s personal choices, is it will wreak havoc in the economy. Because even if a small percentage of these folks end up losing their jobs or voluntarily walking away. You’re going to have huge disruptions
 In Florida, our policy is very clear. We’re going to have a special session and say nobody should lose their job based off these injections. It’s a choice you should make but we want to make sure we’re protecting your jobs and your livelihoods
 In the next legislative session I’m going to hopefully sign legislation that gives a $5,000 bonus to any out-of-state law enforcement who relocates to Florida.

Via Sunday Morning Futures.

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