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Graham Says Biden Should Face Impeachment Over Border Crisis Alone

By  Jonathan Davis

Sen. Lindsey Graham said on Sunday that President Joe Biden has committed an impeachable offense by neglecting to secure the U.S. border with Mexico as migrants from all around the world cross illegally into the country and Mexico-based drug cartels face little-to-no federal border agent presence along vast stretches.

“Graham sat for an interview with Fox News host Jeanine Pirro Saturday evening after visiting the U.S.-Mexico border near Yuma, Arizona, one of the hotspots of a surge of illegal immigrants coming into the United States,” the Daily Wire reported.

“The South Carolina Republican blasted Biden over his handling of the border, calling the administration ‘criminally negligent’ for providing a pathway for terrorists and others to enter the U.S.,” the outlet continued.

“There’s been 100% increase in fentanyl seizures at the Yuma sector alone. Our borders are completely open, they’re porous, people are pouring in, drugs are pouring in,” Graham told Pirro.

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