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Gretchen Whitmer Could Face a Primary Challenge Next Year From a County Sheriff

By T.LaDuke

This is one of those Gretchen Whitmer stories that I always take with a grain of salt and a shot of bourbon. Actually, I will skip the salt and go right to the bourbon.

As we all know here in the State of Michigan, we have a BIG election coming up next year in November of 2022. Governor Gretchen Whitmer will be facing re-election for a 2nd term and with the wonderful job she has done so far, she is sure to be re-elected incredibly easily.

Sorry, the bourbon kicked in really fast and the room seems to be spinning.

I want to be polite here so let’s just say that the Governor who ran on the mantra of “Fix The Damn Roads” has not only not done that but she has made bigger potholes in all aspects of the state as I have chronicled here in some of these articles.

Republicans in the state are gearing up for an interesting primary contest which is to be expected against a Democrat who has had a really bad 1st term. Well, now comes word that she might also face a primary challenge in her own party which would signal maybe Democrats themselves are not so thrilled with her.

From Fox 2 Detroit

In 2022, Michigan will hold a gubernatorial election and it’s been long assumed that Governor Gretchen Whitmer would not have a Democratic opponent. But the Genesee County Sheriff says he’s not ruled it out yet.

Well, how about that? The story continues.

After 27 years in the sheriff’s department, the 47-year-old now making more political news by refusing to take himself out of a possible bid for governor. If he were to get in, it would be unprecedented for a candidate from the same party to challenge a sitting governor.

He said he gets asked that question regularly and calls it flattering. But is he running?

“I haven’t made any decision,” he said.

That statement implies he has a decision to make. So has he not ruled out a run for governor? He said “it would be fair” to say that.

Sheriff Swanson made national headlines last summer when, during a Black Lives Matter march, he ditched his riot gear and marched with the protestors. He also praised Whitmer for her executive orders on the COVID handling but announced that his department would not be arresting anyone for not complying. What this all says to me is that he is not a typical Democrat and could cause the Governor some headaches if he decided to run.

Yet, it is very rare for someone in their own party to run against a sitting incumbent — and it almost never works.

The Sheriff (or someone close to him) must have contacted the Fox 2 reporter, Tim Skubick, to give him a heads up that maybe if someone asked him the question if he was thinking of challenging Whitmer, he would have an interesting answer. Why else would news of this leak out?

Personally, I think every elected official should feel as if their seat is up for grabs each and every cycle and we should see more primary challenges. If you truly want a responsible elected government that would be a great first step.

That Swanson leaked this out very well could mean he is possibly thinking of challenging his fellow Democrat for the nomination. Usually, that means you don’t have a future in the party anymore and as a duly elected Sheriff why would he want to be part of the party of “Defund The Police” anyway?

He could be angling for something else also as Michigan Democrat Party leaders will no doubt be offering him something to stay quiet and on the sidelines. Whitmer is in trouble with everything she has messed up going into Nov. of 22 and a primary challenge will be just more time given focusing on those mess-ups.

With 16 months until the general election next year (which can NOT come soon enough), it is clear this state needs new leadership across the board. If one of Gretchen Whitmer’s fellow Democrats thinks she should not be the standard-bearer of the so be it. Let the Democrats have that inner party squabble and let’s make sure it is televised for all to see. Transparency is great for the American Republic and as the governor herself might say: That is based on science & data, data & science over and over again.

Let the game begin!!

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