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Haley Refuses to Say She Will Support Trump if He Wins Nomination


Sunday on ABC’s “This Week,” Republican presidential candidate former Gov. Nikki Haley (R-SC) refused to say if she would support former President Donald Trump if he won the GOP presidential nomination.

Partial transcript as follows:

KARL: We’re just about of time, but I’ve got to ask, you had said earlier in this process that you will support Donald Trump if he wins the Republican nomination. But since you made that pledge, he has encouraged NATO – he encouraged Russia – said he would encourage Russia to do whatever the hell it wants with – with a NATO ally. You have called him diminished, unhinged, unfit for office.

Are you still making that pledge that you would actually support, after all of that, Donald Trump for president of the United States if he beats you for the Republican nomination?

HALEY: I mean keep in mind, I am running against him for a reason.

KARL: No, I know.

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