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Hamas-Loving Federal Employees Plot Walk-Out Over US Support For Israel

[Last] week, hundreds of federal government employees planned an illegal walkout over the Biden Administration’s handling of the war in Gaza.  Ultimately, their plans to violate federal law and fleece taxpayers for the time they should have been working were derailed when a few inches of snow shut down our nation’s capital.  Faced with the choice of taking a day off work or parading their deeply held love for Hamas terrorists through slightly slushy streets, most of these committed activists chose to take the day off, stay at home, and show their solidarity for the Palestinians from their couches.  This is yet another troubling indictment of both the Biden Administration’s leadership and the dysfunctional rot throughout our federal government.

The protest organizers had previously boasted that “hundreds” of federal employees representing 22 different federal agencies were expected to participate in the walkout.  One of the organizers said that rather than quit, they felt “a moral obligation and a patriotic duty” to influence change from the inside.  Another said the plan “grew out of a collective desire to do what we could to influence the Biden administration’s policy on this issue.”

All of these individuals should be fired. Full stop.  Indeed, this “walkout” may in fact constitute a strike against the federal government, which is a felony.

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