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Happening Now: Protests Rage at UCLA As Pro-Hamas Mob Bloodies Security Guard, Drags Around Fake Corpses

By Bob Hoge 


Pro-Hamas protests are raging at UCLA as of this writing, with a large group of roving demonstrators engaged in what the Los Angeles Times ludicrously labels “largely peaceful” activities, like trying to break into buildings, assaulting journalists, bloodying a security guard, and vandalizing school property. They put red dye in a fountain, splashed more dye on the steps, carted around fake corpses and dismembered body parts while reading the names of people who have supposedly died in Gaza.

They neglected to read out any of the names of the victims of the Oct. 7 Hamas terrorist attack:

Protesters formed a roving pro-Palestinian camp on UCLA’s campus Monday afternoon to recite the names of thousands of people who have died in Gaza.

Police ordered the demonstrators to disperse at least twice, and the crowd quickly dismantled tents and barricades and moved to different locations on campus.

As protesters marched, one among them was reading aloud names of Palestinians killed.

“They will not die in vain,” protesters chanted after each name. “They will be redeemed.”

Some protesters set roses down next to a coffin painted with the Palestinian flag that sat alongside fake bloodied corpses. A helicopter hovered overhead.

According to a witness, this security guard was the recipient of the “largely peaceful” action:

Also, largely peaceful seems to include blocking certain people from walking on campus…


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