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Hardcore vaccine refuseniks could need deradicalising like terrorists – expert

By Pa Reporters

There is a small minority of antivaxxers who are ‘very difficult to reach’, according to one expert.

A “deradicalisation” programme like those given to former terrorists or cult members might be the only way to dissuade some hardcore antivaxxers from their beliefs, according to one psychology expert.

Around six million eligible people in the UK have not received a single jab a year on from the first Covid vaccination being given in the UK.


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One Comment

  1. grannie annie grannie annie December 20, 2021

    They would not want to hear from an 80 year old lady that has been listening to the dumbing down of society, the demoralization of society, the re-education of society, the breaking up of the family, the division of her country, and finally taking the money away for the last 40 yrs. I do not trust a government or rulers that allow the destruction of a Godly society, then expects it’s people to run to them to save their lives. These are the same people allowing our children to be dehumanized in our schools, not even knowing what sex there are, and we trust them with our lives, while their apologizing to what they did to past generation native children – what hypocrites! It used to be a shame to live in debt and yet we are a debt society. We use to pay our bills and have a savings account, wise enough to know what to invest in without those taking our money to tell us so…. We used to be a society that taught right from wrong… today everything is when it is safe it is not and when it is time to sell, really it is time to buy. What is good is really bad, and what is bad is really good… so use that measure and be safe using your own intelligence if you have been able to keep it. We used to be able to rent a room out to help us save our home, or a suite without all the interference of bureaucracy. We used to have a say in how society should be run but now it is this way, or else face the mob. Like the Godfather!
    The Bible in 2nd Timothy 4 says these kind of people, following the Pied Piper, have had their conscience seared with a hot iron by lies and hypocrisy – how true it is! The media does not let anyone who has truth to speak their mind because it will not help the narrative! Some have very good reason to not be pushed into compliance. They are coming after them with their lies and hypocrisy – but so is Jesus coming to gather is own… so be a Daniel! Remember nothing can separate us from the love of God! Amen

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