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Harsh Electronic WARFARE among Russia and Ukraine-NATO Military Forces

Moscow Jammed Ukraine’s Long-Range Glide Bombs and Musk’s Starlink Satellites. Kiev the Russian Nuclear Umbrella

The NATO-Russia proxy war in Ukraine has become a testing ground for a new generation of military technology for high-intensity warfare, with the split-second ability to jam an enemy drone, disorient a precision artillery munition or pinpoint a hidden enemy position using radio-electronic means often becoming the difference between life and death.

Ukraine’s stocks of American-made Ground-Launched Small Diameter Bomb (GLSDB) munitions are being jammed by Russian electronic warfare equipment, three informed sources familiar with the ‘problem’ told Reuters.

The Boeing/Saab Group-developed GLSDB is a ground-launched variant of Boeing’s GBU-39 Small Diameter Bomb – a 129 kg glide munition with a 93 kg fragmentation warhead and a 150 km range designed for strikes against heavily entrenched targets.

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