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Have You Ever Wondered Why There Is An Endless River Of Sewage Coming Out Of Washington D.C.?

By Michael Snyder

If you don’t understand how broken the system has become, you will never understand what is necessary to fix it.  Every election cycle the American people just keep sending the same faces back to Congress, and then they are shocked that those politicians just keep doing things that are against the interests of the American people.  The reason why we see key votes go a certain way time after time is because most members of Congress have been compromised in one way or another.  If members of Congress that have been compromised get out of line, their dirty little secrets will be publicly exposed.  During a recent interview with Benny Johnson, U.S. Representative Tim Burchett explained how this works

Well, let’s be honest in powerful people in this country, they write the big checks and they you know, they’re the ones out on the tarmac when the president comes and visits and whichever party they’re in, they always either out on the tarmac or in the private room. They’re the ones that write the big checks. They don’t care who’s in. They hate this country. They hate what we’re about. But they love their portfolios and they love their money more than they do anything else.

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