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Have You Experienced Pandemic-Driven Hair Loss?

by Radiant Life

By Dr. Harwin

For most people, hair loss is a physical and psychological affair. Balding is noticeable, and so are its effects on the sufferer. Men describe hair loss as an unwanted and upsetting experience that can plummet body image. Women report even greater negative consequences including diminished body image, lower self-esteem, and poorer quality of life. Across the board, anxiety and depression are common. Hair loss extracts a significant toll.

The good news is that you don’t have to put up with a receding hairline. There are evidence-based ways to halt the process and restore what has been lost. But before we share exactly how to do this, it’s important to understand why the hair on top of your head is dying. By correcting these problems, you set the stage for regrowth and enhance the chance of successful medical intervention should you decide to follow that path….

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