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Have You Heard Of “Pharmacy Deserts”?

By Noah 


For decades, Walgreens, CVS, and Rite Aid invaded towns across the United States, pushing Main Street independent mom-and-pop pharmacies out of business.


Profit targets, cost cutting, and inflation have led to the “big 3” shuttering over 1,500 pharmacies across the United States.  The past 2 years have been especially brutal. Supply chain shortages, theft, pharmacist strikes, and financial penalties for Big Pharma’s role in the opioid crisis continue to force the closure of at least one pharmacy in the United States per day.


A new reality is here to stay: over 40% of counties in the United States now live in a complete “pharmacy desert” – meaning that every resident needs to drive at least 15 minutes to get to the closest pharmacy. Moreover, over 80% of counties in the US now lack adequate healthcare infrastructure. If you need medical help quickly, living in the United States could cost you dearly.

It doesn’t have to be this way.

A lot of people agree on 2 things:

  1. The next medical crisis is just around the corner.

  2. You can’t count on the healthcare system to keep you well.

Whether it comes in the form of a bioweapon or something more mundane like a tick bite – you and your family need to be preparedThat’s where The Wellness Company comes in.

The Wellness Company and their great doctors – like Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Drew, Dr. Harvey Risch, and Dr. Jim Thorp – are regularly in the media speaking out against the broken medical establishment…



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