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“He Didn’t Seem To Recognize Me,” House Democrat Says Of Joe Biden

By Danielle

Rep. Seth Moulton (D-MA), who has publicly called for Joe Biden to withdraw from the presidential election, wrote in an op-ed for the Boston Globe that it appeared Biden didn’t recognize him during an overseas trip.

“Every time we crossed paths and I caught his eye, he would break into that big, wide Joe Biden grin and say how glad he was to see me. It was like that just last Christmas at the White House Ball,” Moulton wrote.

“More recently, I saw him in a small group at Normandy for the 80th anniversary of D-Day. For the first time, he didn’t seem to recognize me. Of course, that can happen as anyone ages, but as I watched the disastrous debate a few weeks ago, I have to admit that what I saw in Normandy was part of a deeper problem,” he continued.

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