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‘He Doesn’t Have Much Political Cover’: Chris Wallace Says Biden’s Tanking Poll Numbers Will Hurt His Agenda


Fox News’ Chris Wallace said Friday that President Joe Biden’s plunging approval ratings make it less likely that Democratic lawmakers would agree to “tough votes” to support his economic agenda.

“As far as the poll numbers, those are very bad for Joe Biden,” Wallace said of a Wednesday Quinnipiac poll which showed that Biden’s job approval rating stood at 38%.

The Fox News anchor then went on to note that the Build Back Better Act is a “tough vote” for both moderate and leftist Democrats, as the package is too expensive for the former and too small for the latter.

“It is a lot easier to vote for a president and hold your nose, whether you think it’s too much or too little if a president has an approval rating in the high 50s or even in the low 60s. When he is at 38% approval. Not in the 40s, 38%, he doesn’t have much political cover,” Wallace said.


The Fox News anchor then stated that on the other hand, the lackluster job growth statistics may make the Build Back Better agenda a “slightly easier argument” for Biden. (RELATED: ‘Wow!’: CNBC Hosts Can’t Hide Their Reaction To ‘Real Low’ Jobs Numbers)

Fifty-five percent of respondents of the Wednesday poll disapproved of the president’s handling of the economy, while 39% approved.

Biden’s lowest ratings concerned immigration issues and the situation at the Mexican border, with 67% of the poll participants disapproving of his efforts in both areas.

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