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Head of Zelensky’s Office Oversaw Preparation of Terrorist Attack in Crimea in 2023 – FSB

By Dmitry Makeev


MOSCOW (Sputnik) – The Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) said on Monday that it had thwarted a supply chain of explosives and electric detonators from Germany and Italy to Russia intended for carrying out terrorist attacks.
“The Russian Federal Security Service on the territory of St. Petersburg identified and suppressed a channel for the delivery of explosives and electric detonators to Russia for the purpose of committing a series of terrorist acts. The means of terror were transported in several postal items (parcels) in stages from Italy and Germany and were hidden in the cavities of automobile spare parts,” the FSB said in a statement.
In order to identify the organizers and accomplices of the impending sabotage and terrorist acts, the security authorities sent requests to the relevant European intelligence services, the statement read, adding that these requests have remained unanswered yet.
“Those involved in the preparation of the terrorist attack were detained, they were supervised by Deputy Head of the Zelensky office Roman Mashovets”, the security service noted…


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