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Heaven’s rich bliss palace City designed and built by God has the best quality and most genuine expensive jewels. The city is built with the purest gold, onyx, diamond, topaz, emerald, jasper stated in Revelation 21:18-21. The wall is built of jasper, city of pure gold clear as glass. Foundation walls of city jewels: jasper, sapphire, agate, emerald, onyx, carnelian, chrysolite, beryl, topaz, chrysoprase, jacinth, amethyst. Colours the same as jewels of twelve tribes of Israel. The twelve disciples of Jesus have their names written on twelve gates. So twelve gates are made from single pearl and city streets pure gold transparent as glass. The city of heaven has beautiful, Glorious rooms built from the precious jewels. Heaven’s treasure surpasses all the treasures on earth combined. God’s Heavenly Skyscrapers in 1 Corinthians 2:9 is God’s Great City, New Jerusalem in Heaven comes down to Israel descends on earth in Revelation 21:10. Revelation 21:19 says foundation wall of the city is adorned with jewels. No need for sun or moon, temple or church. The Glorious, Light of God shines to light the city. And worship, singing to Glory of Sovereign LORD God Almighty with thanksgiving in Magnificent Presence of the LORD  God forever. God’s Throne is bedazzled by sapphire throne. The 24 elders, saints and angels sing 24/7 in heaven the place of matchless blessing, adoration of God. God’s precious jewels genuine Superior Quality design of God crowns 24 elders in heaven before God are twelve tribes of Israel and 12 disciples of Jesus laid their crowns and sceptres at God’s feet bow down in worship 24/7. They live in mansions as Jesus promised He prepared for all believers in heaven. The homes and contents are beautifully laid with genuine real gold, diamonds, jewels. Great treasures are stored up for believer saints who will inherit all these things in Revelation 21:7. Christ makes all things new in heaven with new body changed to a youthful stronger perfect Glorious look. God’s crown jewel for all saints rewards them for services of soul winning. Heaven is very rich in wealth, joyful, peaceful, happiest feeling of joy, perfect pleasure with full satisfaction for winner overcomers. Blue sapphires represent divine favour so gemstone of choice for kings and high priests. British Crown Jewels have full large blue stones similar to beautiful intricate heavenly gemstones…


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