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Here Is the Image of Strength the People Running U.S. Government Wanted to Project Today

By Sundance 


As the eyes of the world are paying attention, this is the image the people running the White House presented to the world.

Take a good look at the optics, because professional Democrats are all about the optics. Meanwhile in Beijing, more than 20 heads of state -including Russia’s Vladimir Putin- are assembled to celebrate China’s 10th anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).

King Abdullah II (Jordan) refuses to meet with Biden.  President Fattah Abdel al-Sisi (Egypt) refuses to meet with Biden.  Both mentioned nations border Israel, the West Bank and Gaza respectively.  The only leader in the region that accepted Biden was Israeli President Benjamin Netanyahu, and that was specifically because the people around Biden demanded Netanyahu send an invitation.

Does that sound like “influence”?

Within that dynamic you will find the desperate reason for this next action by the White House…


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