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HERE WE GO AGAIN…Two Migrants From Iraq and Nigeria RAPE Female Ukrainian Refugee in Germany While Posers From Middle East, Africa Pose As Ukrainian Refugees

by Patty McMurray

When Barack Obama was President, and Joe Biden was his Vice President, ISIS traveled around Syria and Iraq, torturing, killing, and sexually assaulting their citizens and selling women on the open market as sex slaves and wives.

Refugees from Syria and Iraq fled to European countries from Turkey. But not all of the “refugees” were fleeing from ISIS. Like the “refugees” who are crossing America’s southern border by the thousands every day, the majority of the refugees from foreign countries were young men entrenched in their “faith” that permits barbaric acts against others, including rape.

In Germany and Scandanavian nations, the rape crisis became so critical that vigilante groups, like the Soldiers of Odin, formed to defend the citizens their far-left leaders refused to protect.

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