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Here’s How Many ‘Uncommitted’ Voters the Pro-Gaza Ceasefire Crew Are Hoping to Get in Michigan

Matt Vespa
By Matt Vespa

On Tuesday, Joe Biden will probably be asleep. Still, Michigan will be holding its primary, and Democratic strategists and White House aides will be focused on one number: the number of those voting ‘uncommitted.’ It’s a protest vote spurred by scores of Muslim voters incensed over the Biden administration’s position concerning the Israel-Hamas war in Gaza. It’s one of the few issues the Biden White House has gotten correct, though it hasn’t been without its issues—Biden reportedly called Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu an “a**hole.”

Muslim voter anger has been raging for weeks, with many declaring they’ll abstain voting for Biden in the 2024 general election. That could potentially put the Rust Belt in play, as members of organized labor are also souring on the president. Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer projects a “sizeable” protest vote tomorrow but the threshold isn’t that high. The goal is to get 10,000 to pull the lever for uncommitted, but that number was more than doubled when Obama ran for re-election in 2012 (via NBC News):

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