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Here’s What You Should Do In A Nuclear Attack, Experts Say

By Robert Hart



Russian President Vladimir Putin annexed swathes of occupied Ukrainian territory on Friday and has sworn to defend them using everything in Russia’s arsenal, including nuclear weapons, reviving fears of nuclear conflict as Moscow grows increasingly desperate to shore up its flagging war effort. Here’s what to do.

When a nuclear bomb explodes, it creates an intense flash of light, a huge fireball, unleashes large amounts of energy and produces a devastating shockwave, though the effects depend on how big the weapon is and how and where it is detonated.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend people near the blast protect themselves by turning away and shielding their eyes, dropping to the ground with their face down and hands tucked underneath and, if possible, covering their nose and mouth with cloth.

The best thing survivors can do is to “get inside and stay inside,” Kathryn Higley, a nuclear science professor at Oregon State University, told Forbes.

Seeking shelter is vital to avoid harmful radioactive material, or fallout, drifting back to Earth after a nuclear blast, and while any building is safer than being outside, the best shelters are multi-story brick or concrete buildings with few windows or basements.

Survivors should shut off ventilation systems and seal doors and windows until the fallout cloud has passed, stay away from roofs and outer walls where fallout settles and those caught outside during the blast should remove contaminated outer layers of clothing and wash exposed parts of the body.



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