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High Profile Democrat Lawsuit Insists Voting Machine ‘Misread Thousands’ Of Votes, Demands Manual Audits

Photo credit: KOMUnews via Flickr, CC BY 2.0
Photo credit: KOMUnews via Flickr, CC BY 2.0

Marc Elias, who has represented several high-profile Democrats including Vice President Kamala Harris, filed a legal complaint that alleged voting machines “misread hundreds if not thousands of valid votes” in a New York congressional race.

Elias represented incumbent Democrat Anthony Brindisi, who’s trailing Republican Claudia Tenney by less than 125 votes in the state’s 22nd district.

In a February 1st legal filing, Elias’s Perkins Coie law firm argued that “substantial errors and irregularities” plagued the election and cited differences in hand-counted ballots and machine-counted ballots.

“In this case, there is reason to believe that voting tabulation machines misread hundreds if not thousands of valid votes as undervotes, (supra at 4), and that these tabulation machine errors disproportionately affected Brindisi, (id.). In addition, Oswego County admitted in a sworn statement to this Court that its tabulation machines were not tested and calibrated in the days leading up to the November 3, 2020 General Election as required by state law and necessary to ensure that the counts generated by tabulation machines are accurate,” the 12-page filing reads.

As a result, a “hand audit is warranted under New York law and should be immediately ordered,” Elias argues.


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