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Hillary Clinton Endorses AGAINST Embattled Squad Member Jamaal Bowman, but Will Anyone Care?

By Mike Miller 


Poor Hillary. (Just kidding.)

Regardless of how long or how hard Hillary Clinton desperately tries, nobody (including Democrats) seems to give a damn, anymore. Not that most people ever did; at least not enough to elect her president in 2016, but yeah. Anyway, Hillary is back — with an irrelevant endorsement.

First, as RedState reported on Tuesday, Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY), a member of the laughable “Squad,” along with equally idiotic Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and Ilhan Omar (D-MN), is almost assuredly going to go down in flames in the June 25 New York primaries election.

So, enter irrelevant Hillary, to endorse embattled Bowman’s Democrat opponent in the NY District 16 race, as if her endorsement matters. Needless to say, TDS-riddled Hillary’s endorsement included blasting former President Donald Trump (who still lives rent-free in her head, 24×7), the likely 2024 Republican presidential nominee.

Truth be told, I doubt that Hillary Clinton gives a damn about the opponent, Westchester County Executive George Latimer, or opposes Jamaal Bowman as much as she says, because one constant remains: Hillary cares about Hillary, and anyone she views as in her way, be damned.

Hazel Dukes, president of the state chapter of the NAACP, said, “Bill and Hillary Clinton are still popular in the Democratic Party,” but she also admitted she didn’t think Hillary’s endorsement of Latimer would move the needle one way or the other in the Bowman-Latimer race.

It’s about everyday issues. The economy, inflation. They’re intelligent voters…


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