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Hillary Clinton now ‘advising’ Kamala Harris how to be popular

By Monica Showalter


If anything out there sounds like Mission: Fail, it’s the unpopular Kamala Harris going to the unpopular Hillary Clinton for advice on how to be popular with voters.

Even Democrats can’t stand her. It’s like Joe Biden going to Jimmy Carter on how to get a rip-roaring economy going. (And that seems to have happened, too).

So here we are, with the mendicant and her mentor — with cackling that can be heard a mile away:

Vice President Kamala Harris is turning to Hillary Clinton for advice on plotting “a path forward,” according to a new report.

The New York Times reports Harris sought out the counsel of Clinton, the first female Democratic presidential nominee and a fellow former U.S. senator, and other women when she came to Washington.

Harris and Clinton speak every few months on the phone, and the two met in the vice president’s West Wing office in November, the report said.

That’s the Washington Examiner’s account. The New York Times account cited put it this way:…READ FULL ARTICLE HERE… – American Thinker

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