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Hillary Clinton’s Got a Brand New Job

Hillary Clinton has been named Chancellor of Queen’s University Belfast.

In a statement released by the University, Clinton says,

“It is a great privilege to become the Chancellor of Queen’s University, a place I have a great fondness for and have grown a strong relationship with over the years. The University is making waves internationally for its research and impact, and I am proud to be an ambassador and help grow its reputation for excellence.”

What reputation of excellence? Hillary ruins everything she touches. It is like the Midas touch but for garbage. I wish she would just go away already!

Listen, I want women in leadership roles. I am 1 of 9 sisters, and I have four daughters of my own. I want to know that my daughters have female leaders to admire. SHE IS NOT IT! Stop giving her these “honorary” positions.



  1. Jimothy Dandy Jimothy Dandy January 4, 2020

    Thick-ankled, dog face!

  2. Rhonda Rhonda January 4, 2020

    Wow! Imagine that, a job that gets her out of the US before the indictments come down from AG Barr.

  3. Joseph Salthouse Joseph Salthouse January 4, 2020

    “Secretary” is not a lifelong title and to refer to HRC as such, is incorrect and improper.

  4. Doug Miller Doug Miller January 7, 2020

    The Empire finds places to protect those who’ve proven their loyalty to it, it seems.

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