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Hope of Israel Ministries (Ecclesia of YEHOVAH God): The “Jacob’s Trouble” Series: The Edomite Jews and Oliver Cromwell of England

Oliver Cromwell, back in the 17th century, became a traitor when he acted as a paid agent of Edomite Jews who co-conspired with him to usurp the throne of England out from under King Charles I. These so called “Jews” were of the same ilk banished from England by King Edward back in the late 13th century. They were not of the blood line of Jacob/Israel, but were in fact descendants of Esau/Edom, as described in Genesis chapter 28.

by HOIM Staff

With two peoples so opposite in character as Jacob (the Anglo-Saxon-Celtic-Scandinavian nations) and Esau (modern Jews), one must predominate over the other. They can never have mutual agreement or equal status. Explains Charles A. Weisman:

If the laws, religion, government and morals that are characteristic of Jacob are followed in the land, then those of Esau are rejected. Esau will, by the nature of his character, be under the subjection of Jacob. And so it was with the Jews in much of European and American history. [1]

Due to their contrasting traits, when the white race (Anglo-Saxon-Celtic-Scandinavian nations) governs, the Jew (Esau) will always be in a subservient position. All of history verifies this. In a white Christian nation, the Jew will always be the “tail.”

Between the years 250 A.D. and 1948 A.D. — a period of 1,700 years — Jews have experienced more than eighty expulsions from various countries in Europe — an average of nearly one expulsion every twenty-one years. Jews were expelled from England, France, Austria, Germany, Lithuania, Spain, Portugal, Bohemia, Moravia, and seventy-one other countries. If Jews had been exiled, expelled, or otherwise done away with by one or two countries, you could possibly make a case for this fable of “anti-semitism,” or that maybe just certain people had a problem with the Jews. However, when it gets to the point that you have a list of 109 different exiles from 84 different places, with some of them having to do so repeatedly, one is forced to start looking at the Jew himself as the problem, and not those attempting to free themselves from the grasp of these parasites.

Just the fact that many countries were forced to repeatedly exile the Jews, proves that these are relentless parasites, who will stop at nothing to gain control of our countries, enslave our people, and commit genocide against all peoples of the earth.

All these expulsions dispels the myth that “zionism” (which didn’t appear until 1898) and “zionists” are the root source of today’s problems. Both of these are merely symptoms of a much larger problem with the entire Jewish race. None of the countries exiled just some of the Jews, and none were foolish enough to simply consider them a religion or ideology. The Jews were exiled, and expelled, as an entire race then, and should be dealt with as an entire race now. Let’s look at one of the expulsions that occurred over the 1,700 year period.

Oliver Cromwell — A Profile

In the year 1599 Oliver Cromwell was born into a family which was, for a time, one of the wealthiest and most influential in the area. Educated at Huntingdon grammar school, now the Cromwell Museum, and at Cambridge University, he became a minor East Anglian landowner. He made a living by farming and collecting rents, first in his native Huntingdon, then from 1631 in St. Ives, and from 1636 in Ely. Cromwell’s inheritances from his father, who died in 1617, and later from a maternal uncle, were not great. His income was modest, and he had to support an expanding family — widowed mother, wife and eight children. He ranked near the bottom of the landed elite, the landowning class often labeled “the gentry,” which dominated the social and political life of the county. Until 1640 he played only a small role in local administration, and no significant role in national politics. It was the civil wars of the 1640s which lifted Cromwell from obscurity to power.

Little is known of the first 40 years of his life, as only four of his personal letters survive — along with a summary of a speech that he delivered in 1628. He became an Independent Puritan after seemingly undergoing a religious conversion in the 1630s, taking a generally tolerant view towards the many Protestant sects of his period. While it is claimed that he was an intensely religious man, a self-styled Puritan Moses, and that he fervently believed that YEHOVAH God was guiding his victories, some have questioned that viewpoint.

Oliver Cromwell

He was elected Member of Parliament for Huntingdon in 1628, and gained a reputation as a “religious” hothead by promoting radical reform. He was later elected to the Short (1640) and Long (1640–1649) Parliaments for Cambridge. As it turned out, Cromwell was too outspoken for the leaders of the opposition, who ceased to use him as their mouthpiece after the early months of the Long Parliament.

Indeed, though Cromwell shared the grievances of his fellow members over taxes, monopolies, and other burdens imposed on the people, it was his so-called religious beliefs that first brought him into opposition to the king’s government. In November 1641, John Pym and his friends presented to King Charles I a “Grand Remonstrance,” consisting of over 200 clauses, among which was one censuring the bishops “and the corrupt part of the clergy, who cherish formality and superstition” in support of their own “ecclesiastical tyranny and usurpation.” Cromwell declared that, had it not been passed by the House of Commons, he would have sold all he had “the next morning, and never have seen England more.”…



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