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Horowitz Interview: The Radical Mind



Freedom Center founder reveals the destructive plans of the Woke Left.

[Below is Ed Martin’s “Pro-America Report” interview with David Horowitz about his new book The Radical Mind: The Destructive Plans of the Woke Left. Order it HERE.]

Ed Martin:  Ed Martin here on the Pro America Report. Time to check in with David Horowitz, who is a prolific author – legendary, really – activist and an author. And his new book is The Radical Mind: The Destructive Plan of the Woke Left. There’s almost nobody better, with about 50, 60 years of active engagement with the Left as he started out on that side of the aisle and came across. And again, the book is Radical Mind: The Destructive Plan of the Woke Left. Welcome back, David Horowitz, New York Times bestselling author of many, many books.

So, David, before we get into the book – but I think it overlaps – do you, when you see the forces arrayed now in opposition to Trump, and let’s just assume for the argument he gets the nomination. They can’t let him win, right? I mean, that’s part of the destruction. They just have to stop it, don’t they?

David Horowitz: Yeah. It’s life and death for them, Ed, and it’s personal too, because they’re all criminals. When I say all, I mean the leadership of the Democrat Party. So, they all fear that they’re going to go to jail if he gets elected. So, they have powerful incentives to fix the election, which they’re very good at. And which Republicans are really poor at preventing.

EM: David Horowitz, do you think – and the book is The Radical Mind: The Destructive Plans of the Woke Left – I have heard recently, David, people say the woke movement has sort of slowed. It’s even, people say, you know, it’s petering out. I assume based on your book; you don’t think that’s right at all?

DH: Not even based on my book – all I have to do is turn on the news. Our universities are Nazi indoctrination centers now, and I use that word advisedly, that they have all these young people brainwashed to support a second Holocaust…

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