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HORRIFIC: Biden’s Health And Human Services Attempts To Violate The Law, Forcing Doctors To Preform Abortions Under Proposed Ruling

By Heather Allen

The Biden administration has done everything it can to push abortions in America, now according to the American College of Pediatricians (ACPeds), a rule proposed by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) may try to force doctors to perform abortions regardless of their religious convictions or conscience. Doctors are used to dealing with life-and-death situations and have to address the value of life, making moral decisions on a daily basis.

But new modifications to how the HHS enforces Congressional conscience laws may leave doctors at risk of being forced to perform abortions. The new rule reads, “Our health care systems must effectively deliver services—including safe, legal abortions—to all who need them in order to protect patient’s health and dignity.”

The president of ACPeds, Dr. Mike Artigues, made a statement regarding the conscience laws in a press release calling the changes shameful,

“This proposed rule corrupts the practice of medicine, will hurt those who are most vulnerable and undermines the enforcement of our federal conscience laws. Conscience rights are not second-class rights.” Artigues also argued that when a Doctor is told they must deliver abortion services, then the right to conscience is forced to come second.

According to the Epoch Times, ACPeds has issued a letter confronting HHS and pointing out that the new rule ignores laws passed by Congress, reminding HHS that conscience protections and patient interests have to be balanced…


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