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Horrific Child Abuse: Mastectomies Among ‘Transgender’ Minors Have ‘Exploded’

By Ken Ham

How many children will be sacrificed on the altar of the LGBTQ religion before parents wake up and stand against the madness that’s preached fervently in so many schools around our nation and through the media? It seems the answer is many thousands of children. You see, the push to teach gender ideology to young children and teens isn’t without consequences—it’s scarring (quite literally) thousands of children, leading them to do irreversible damage to their bodies.

A recent article shared that rates of so-called “top surgeries” (mastectomies or chest reconstruction on trans-identifying patients) have soared in recent years, with one medical center performing just 5 on minors in 2013, compared to 70 in 2019. A survey of 26 “leading pediatric gender clinics” in America uncovered “long waiting lists” of minors for these surgeries and a group of 11 clinics reported a total of 203 such surgeries . . . irreversible surgeries on teenagers based on their subjective feelings! One doctor shared, “I can’t honestly think of another field where the volume has exploded like that.”…

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One Comment

  1. Jeanne Coppola Jeanne Coppola October 14, 2022

    These children will not be able to have children of their own when they grow up.
    They will be harmed by the hormones given them. Why is this allowed to happen? This is child abuse.

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