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How American Soldiers are Required to Believe their Government’s Lies

By VT Editors

James Joyner is a Professor at the U.S. Marine Corps University (MCU). He trains Marines. Prior to coming to MCU in 2013, he was Managing Editor of the Atlantic Council, which is the main PR agency for NATO; and, so, he was selecting the propaganda they publish for NATO. Currently, he’s also an Editor at the Military-Industrial Complex (MIC) propaganda-blog, “Outside the Beltway,” which is read by MCU’s students, and by many U.S. soldiers.

On February 6th, Joyner wrote for that blog “Secrecy and Democracy: How do we know when our government is telling us the truth?”

He argued there that the AP reporter who, at the State Department’s February 3rd Press Briefing, had said that the U.S. Government should not expect the nation’s press to automatically trust the truthfulness of its allegations against another country, was wrong, and Joyner said that the function of America’s press is to broadcast the U.S. Government’s accusations against a country that it treats as being an enemy, and never to raise questions about those allegations’ truthfulness, but to instead treat all of them as being established facts against America’s alleged “enemies,” so as never to aid the U.S. Government’s anointed enemies of America — never to aid the targets of America’s MIC.The title of Professor Joyner’s article presumed that sometimes the U.S. Government does, lie, but he was arguing that it never happens if the allegation is against a country that the U.S. might invade…

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