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How and Why Biden & Gates Spy Hides Man-Made SARS-Cov-2 in US Intelligence Dossier

Lawyer Avril Haines who now leads ODNI is former CIA Deputy Director and Prophetess of Pandemic Coronavirus (VIDEO) without memory of Fauci’s SARS researches as “dual use” to develop vaccines and bio-weapons


“Now, instead, let’s talk about sophistical refutations, that is, those which “appear” to be refutations but which, in reality, rather than refutations, constitute wrong reasoning (Ï€Î±ÏÎ±Î»ÎżÎłÎčσΌός)“
Aristotle (ΠΔρ᜶ ÏƒÎżÏ†ÎčστÎčÎșáż¶Îœ áŒÎ»Î­ÎłÏ‡Ï‰Îœ = Sophistic Refutations)

In the cover image Avril Haines Director of US National Intelligence and the latest report on COVID – 19

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio

All linked articles in Italian only can be read in English with the simultaneous machine translation available


Before finding out why one of the most important spies in the world is concealing the artificial origin of SARS-Cov-2, we must make an “epistemological” premise on the methods of analysis used by the US Office of the Director of National Intelligence to deny, for the second time, the construction of the pandemic virus as a bioweapon in a “China-US” deal.

As immediately denounced by the late virologist Luc Montagnier, recently confirmed by a dossier from the US Senate Health Commission and repeatedly highlighted in every detail by the 74 investigations of the Wuhan-Gates cycle conducted by Gospa News (among which only 68 ones already translated in English).

We leave to the philosophers the task of defining whether the document of the ODNI (Office of the Director of National Intelligence), declassified on June 23, 2023, by director Avril Haines who coordinates all 17 federal agencies of American 007, represents a “paralogism” or a “sophism”.

We will try to explain how and why the lawyer Haines, an expert in bacteriological weapons and “trusted spy” of the American president Joseph Biden and the world emperor of vaccines Bill Gates (later we will remember why 
) is misleading and concealing the investigations on the origin of the most devastating human pandemic caused by COVID – 19 after twenty years of Fauci’s dangerous experiments as DURC: Dual Use Research of Concern to develop vaccines or bio-weapons.



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