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How Bad Is Portland’s Drug Problem? So Bad That It Closed a County Drug Center.




It would be funny were it not so incredibly pathetic. A county-run drug counseling center for homeless drug addicts in Portland had to be shut down and some of its employees were dumped because of drug use and “inappropriate relations” between employees. In other words, a drug and sex scandal shut down the Multnomah County Behavioral Health Resource Center.

The punchline writes itself. But the joke’s on the voters.

Willamette Week reports that at first, Multnomah County lied about why the center was temporarily closed, saying “the county insisted at the time the closure was prompted by the need for more staff training to deal with clients in mental distress and for building improvements.”

“Staff training”? It turns out that contractors with the Behavioral Health Resource Center needed training in how not to do drugs and have sex on the job.




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