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How Deep is the Deep State – Part 1

This study will only scratch the surface of this subject. There is so much to this subject as well as the people involved that it would take an encyclopedia to disseminate all that is involved. The disgusting thing, in my opinion, is that the so-called Americans that are involved keep silent about their involvement with these anti-American groups.  This has been referred to as the Deep State. MSM talks very little of it because they are part of it. One of their purposes is to control what you hear in the media, television, radio and the printed media. They also want to control your buying and selling habits.  And as we have seen over the last few years they are doing what they can to control what we can say in the public arena i.e. Hate Speech laws that have attempted to silence primarily the conservative voice.

In Colorado, in 2008 our Governor, Bill Ritter, signed  SB 200 which did many things to the freedoms of Coloradoans. It forced businesses to open bathrooms to both sexes penalizing anyone who complained about a male in the women’s bathroom, shower or locker room. It gave transgendered people special rights by making it illegal to print anything that was offensive to the LBGT community.

In reality, this would include printing a Bible in Colorado as the verses in it that refer to homosexuality as an abomination is offensive to them…

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