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How Did Biden’s Gender-Fluid Nuclear Luggage Thief Get a High Security Clearance?



In the end, he just had too much baggage. Sam Brinton, the Biden administration’s Deputy Assistant Secretary for Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition in the Office of Nuclear Energy at the Department of Energy, is now out of a job after being charged with felony theft and grand larceny for taking bags that didn’t belong to him at the Minneapolis and Las Vegas airports. But Old Joe Biden’s handlers still have a great deal to answer for regarding Brinton. Most notably, there’s this: how did this clown who appeared far more interested in showing himself off wearing women’s clothes than in actually dealing with nuclear waste get a high-level security clearance?

There will probably never be any answer to that question, given the sycophantic Leftist establishment media, but it remains an urgent question given the likelihood — actually, the outright certainty — that this administration will continue to appoint people more for their symbolic value than for their abilities. Did Brinton get rushed a security clearance because of his cardinal importance to the administration as, in Brinton’s own words, “the first gender fluid person in federal government leadership”? Will the administration give out high-level security clearances to anyone who can help them show how attuned they are to the latest Leftist cultural fads?


Why Did Biden Give Brinton A High-Level Security Clearance? – PJ Media

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