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How Do I Find A Maskless Doctor?

By Allan Stevo


A reader writes:


It seems there are fewer and fewer private practice doctors left. These days most doctors work for a corporation, i.e. Methodist Health, Baylor Health, etc
  These corporate doctors have to toe the company line, and that involves mandatory masking, and other corporate deemed treatments. My wife and I had a tremendous private practice doctor for about 30 years, but he retired and now of course it is difficult to find the same. I have heard that this was a major goal of Obamacare – to eliminate private practice doctors, so there will only be “employee” doctors who will “do what they’re told.” You have probably already written about this, but I just wanted to vent.


A husband and wife from Arlington, Texas 


Dear Husband & Wife Team,

Thank you for venting. I have written little about finding a doctor, but it is on my mind and many readers have written about the same. In the past few weeks I wrote “Please Stop Seeing Doctors Who Require Masks — Your Life Depends On It” about the future you create for yourself when you continue to build a relationship with a masked doctor.



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