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How DUMB are Twitter’s users & STAFF? Dumber than Jimmy Carter’s attempted presidenting. Look at this TRAINWRECK.


Jimmy Carter’s presidency didn’t go well. Some of us are even old enough to remember that. Others of us just realize that history didn’t start when Obama ascended to his golden throne and told the oceans to stop rising.

Gas lines, anyone? Remember that? Unemployment? The sorry state of the States after Carter’s first failed four years is the REASON Ronald Reagan gave that Morning in America speech. It’s the REASON it worked. (Also Carter’s terrible term was the reason for his OWN famous “Malaise” speech.)

Today, following the SHOCKINGLY bad jobs report, Donald Trump Jr. referenced that in what was frankly a very clever tweet.

The libs, of course, had a million cows about it. Which by the way isn’t great for the environment I hear.

Well in fact they got SO upset it caused a trending topic. And not just any old regular trending topic, but the kind with one of those little “curated” pages and a Twitter written description.

Y’all America is suffering from a pandemic alright. A pandemic of absolutely total and asinine stupidity.

Even Nevertrump’s got in on the dunking.

We just don’t do facts anymore in America do we?

It gets harder every day to imagine how we get through the next four years. Or the next year even.

Of course if Parler were working properly, and parleys were embeddable, that would probably help. DON’T YOU THINK??


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