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How Fake ‘Heavenly Hundred’ Was Used to Legitimize Bloodbath & Coup d’Etat in Ukraine

By Sputnik International

The story of the “Heavenly Hundred” is the cornerstone of modern Ukrainian ideology. Still, when the Euromaidan dust had settled, it turned out to be a barefaced lie.

The so-called “Heavenly Hundred” are individuals allegedly killed by law enforcement officers during the 2013-14 Euromaidan anti-government protests. More recent data shows that among the Heavenly Hundred were people who had nothing to do with snipers – or even the protests, who died, for example, of pneumonia, heart attack, or even allergy-related complications.

Euromaidan, the wave of demonstrations and civil unrest in Ukraine, began on November 21, 2013 on Maidan Nezalezhnosti (Independence Square) in Kiev over President Viktor Yanukovych’s decision to prioritize accords with Russia and the Eurasian Economic Union instead of signing the European Union-Ukraine Association Agreement. The February 20, 2014 sniper shooting targeting both Euromaidan participants and law enforcement officers in Kiev claimed the lives of 53 people (49 protesters and four law enforcement officers) becoming the culmination of the riots. Despite 10 years having passed, the real culprits have since remained unknown to the public.

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