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How I Am Supporting My Immune System Right Now

This week I was supposed to be in California attending the biggest natural products show in the U.S.

I prepared weeks for this show. Everything from lining up meetings, to preparing frozen meals to take with me for my daughter to eat while I was busy working and lots and lots of packing!

It was stressful but it was going to be so worth it. Truvani was going to have their first booth at this major trade show.

But on Monday night right as I finished putting all the last minute things in my bag, I got a text.

The trip was cancelled because of the global health emergency going on right now.

When I told my daughter we weren’t going to California – she looked at me and almost cried. And I did too.

Health scares always make me think about my overall health and mortality. And it reminds me of why I got into eating better in the first place.

It all started with a hospital trip. Even though it was for something that was completely out of my control, it made me realize that I was ignoring my overall health.

Then, everything changed.

I started blogging about food and ingredients on Food Babe. I also launched my company Truvani, where I sell remarkable supplements.


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