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How Jews took over China and created Chinese Communism

By Josh


The social experiment in China under Chairman Mao’s leadership is one of the most important and successful in human history.”

– Crypto-Jew David Rockefeller

Jew Henry Kissinger and crypto-Jew David Rockefeller with Chinese President Jaing Zemin (in office, 1993-2003)

Within this article, the core point we will be exploring is how Jews took over China and converted the country to communism, resulting in a government controlled by a crypto-Jewish and Masonic elite. However, before moving into the material that breaks down the 2-step process the Jews used to usher in communism, I will be touching on the history of the Jews in China because they were a very successful group of people; And an evergrowing people. Chinese Jewry held high positions of government, & were running banks, newspapers & were rich in general at the time of key revolutions as well. So, understanding how Chinese Jewry worked together for hundreds of years leading up to the creation of the CCP is absolutely a fundamental element to look at. By the end of the article, it will become evident that Chinese Jews were (& are) more powerful and influential than you might have previously thought.

A brief look into the history of Chinese Jewry (≈750-1750ad):

China has a long and complex Jewish history tracing all the way back to the early eighth century. The eighth century proof of the earliest presence of Jews in China was a business letter written in the Judeo-Persian language, found by Marc Aurel Stein (1) – And below is a page of Hebrew prayers dated to the late 8th century, early 9th.

As you can see there was Chinese Jewish activity dating back to the 8th century which opened the door for centuries worth of time to grow as a secret crypto-Jewish population (Evidence for this will be shown later in the article) and gain power and influence in general. This is very pertinent to keep in mind moving forward. The most prominent Chinese Jews are the Kaifeng Jews and they had set up a colony with a Synagogue around 950ad (2) and interestingly enough they were “located along the ancient Silk Route” (3) where Jews have been known to dominate as forefront traders since the very creation in 200 BC (4). Right around the time that the above-mentioned Kaifeng Jewish community became settled along the Silk Route, there was a Jewish imperial clan that was established in Kaifeng (960 ad). They became known as the House of Zhao under the Song Dynasty.

Confucianism have formed a relatively large number of groups among the Jews in the early Qing Dynasty…Among these Jewish Confucian scholars, Zhao Yingcheng, who is in the Zhao family, is the most representative and has the greatest influence.” (5)

An interesting side note to look at (keep in mind the CCP is a Jewish creation/tool)

It is also interesting to note that during Marco Polo’s 17 years in China (in the 13th century) he noticed that Jews had a noticeable amount of political influence.

“Some accidental observations in Marco Polo’s trips, show that Jews were sufficient enough to be able to exert political influence in China and Tartaria” (6)

The Kaifeng Jews quickly rose to the top of Chinese life and really started to reach a level of success for the whole of the Jews never seen before under the Ming dynasty.

“…during the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) …the Jewish life thrived there.” (7)

“The Jews of Kaifeng were once an affluent group in the 16th century.” (8)

“During this period (Ming Dynasty), the Kaifeng Jewish community entered a Golden Age…they were encouraged to fully engage in the local society, including public affairs and government service.” (9)

The Ming Dynasty clearly had some sort of close relationship with the Jews. Not only did they encourage the Jews to fully engage in society at all levels, but also assigned seven surnames to different Jews. Some of these names are still known today.

“During the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), a Ming emperor assigned seven surnames to Jews, by which they are still known today: Ai, Shi, Gao, Jin, Li, Zhang, and Zhao. Of these, Jin and Shi are reminiscent of Western Jewish names: Gold and Stone. The 1489 inscription lists seven others: Yen, Kao, Mu, Huang, Nie, An, Zuo, Bai, and Zhou. Apparently, only seven names survived after 1642.” (10)

After the fall of the Ming Dynasty to a rebel army led by Li Zicheng, a short-lived dynasty reigned for 5 years and was eventually replaced by the Qing dynasty. (Kaifeng Jews & descendants of the House of Zhao) Zhao Yingcheng and his brother Zhao Yingdou, also a mandarinheld important government posts in the 1660s under the newly formed Qing dynasty.

Zhao Yingcheng and his brother also “were instrumental in rebuilding the synagogue that was destroyed in the flood of 1642″ (11)

It is paramount to understand that these Jews operate like your average religious Jew you see in America or anywhere else. To take an example, the Jews of China in the 19th century were observed to only marry wives of their own religion. Since the Kaifeng Jews were like this during the 19th century, it is safe to say it was the same deal for the preceding centuries considering the known facts: Same religion, same practices, population growth etc.

These Chinese Jews are totally assimilated into Chinese culture, but are a separate, hidden conspiratorial body amongst the Chinese people.

Academic Article in the Journal “The Leisure Hour” on ‘The Jews of China’ page 333: “The Jews of China 1867 – “They (The Chinese Jews) keep their faith with the characteristic tenacity that distinguishes the hebrew race, and even now only marry wives of their own religion” (12)

Historian Henry Hart Milman: “They (Chinese Jews) had cultivated learning with success; and some of them as it was attested by extant inscriptions had been highly honoured with the imperial favour and had attained the rank of mandarins. One of these inscriptions —dated in 1515— praises the Jews for their integrity and fidelity in agriculture, commerce, magistracy and in the army, and for the adequate observance of their own religious ceremonies” he then goes on to say “in other aspects they are strictly Jews… they only marry among themselves… they neither make nor attempt to make proselytes” (13)

As mentioned, although (((they))) look to be Chinese, they are actually just representing the Jew and work for a foreign nation and people. To put it another way, they are Jews disguised as Chinese, blending in providing easy access for infiltration and control of the entire country.

Fr Fahey on Jews living in other countries:

“The members of the Jewish nation, while retaining their allegiance to their own nation, are also citizens of other nations. Given the messianic aspirations of their own nation they are bound to strive for the domination of their nation over the others, as they are firmly convinced that in this way alone justice and peace will reign upon the earthThe positions attained by them in the councils and legislative assemblies of other nations must logically be for them, at least primarily, means for advancing the domination of their own people…when they assist as secretaries of Lloyd George and Clemenceau and adviser of President Wilson, then we know that English, French and American citizenship will be utilised for the furtherance of the interests of a nation that believes firmly that English, French and Americans are destined by God to be subject to it.” (14)

It is no different with Chinese Jews.

The fact of the matter is that Jews have always banded together as a tribe, have worked vigorously to infiltrate governments, they have monopolized financial systems of nations, instigated wars, and worked to intentionally create chaos and division in societies. The international media being in the hands of the Jews will not shed light on these very simple facts of life.

From everything gathered so far it has been established that the Jews have been successful and have held positions of influence and power for centuries whilst maintaining that classic tribal Jew behaviour. I hope now that you can understand why studying the history of the Chinese Jews is so crucial (And this was just a quick run-down!). All of this success and power just allows the Jews to continue to grow in numbers and infiltrate successfully like they have done in every other country they have lived. With the history of successful Chinese Jews in mind, I want to move closer to the time when Jews worked-out their two-step process of paving the way for Chinese communism to give you the same picture – That the Jews were still influential then. Once you see the evidence that the Jews have been thriving in China for many centuries, including at the time of the events that were necessary to open the door to Communism, you can put two-and-two together and see clearly their hand would have been active in these events.

Jewish activity in China (1800-≈1930):

In 1864, a Jewish officer in the British navy estimated that Chinese Jews are a total of 1 million.

And decades later we see that a Jew, Mr. Soss, gave a report to a New York Times correspondent that there are nearly 5,000,000 Jews in China! (15) Not only that, but the Jews of China were successful and honored with many of high standing status in society.

The success of the Chinese Jews in the early 1900’s is attested to in the following newspaper as well (1905).

Hence why we see Rabbi Jacob S. Raisin describe Chinese Jewry in this way: “They (Chinese Jews) constantly increased in number in China producing wise and cultured people.” (16)

Thinking back on all of this key information, it makes perfect sense when Catholic journalist Istvan Bakony says: “But it seems to be a special characteristic of Chinese Judaism, as many Israelite historians have said — and also these archeological monuments confirm — that Chinese Jews Tiao-Kiu-Kiaou were experts in agriculture. This has allowed them to infiltrate among the peasants, just as their great military talents have also allowed their infiltration in the army, creating a fifth column of Israelite Imperialism infiltrated at all levels in China.” (17)

What’s even more astounding, is that during the 19th & 20th centuries while all of these Chinese Jews continued to gain more power, outside diaspora Jews came to China themselves and were also dominating China! So clearly, there was collaboration between them.

An academic paper on the history of Jews in Shanghai, records:

Jewish traders were among the first foreigners to come to work and live in Shanghai when the port was first opened to foreign trade in November 1843. Despite the important role a number of these Jewish residents played in Shanghai as well as in international commerce at that time and for a century to follow, scholars are just beginning to focus their attention on this community” (18)

Furthermore, an article written by a Jew has to say: “Shanghai was a city of tremendous opportunities, an international city open and free to all who wished to come there and make a quick fortune. The Babylonian Jews took full advantage of this and were extremely successful.” (19)

Likewise, an article coming from another Jew writing on the Jews of Shanghai: “There was a large and varied Jewish community in Old Shanghai. They were some of the richest people in the city, and built many of the grandest structures, including the Cathay Hotel on the Bund” (20)

The Times of Israel openly admits that these Jewish traders ran Shanghai! (21) Among these Jewish traders were the Sassoons, the “Rothschilds of the East”.

The earliest records of Sassoon and Kaifeng-Jewish collaboration is from 1850. Using common-sense, the Chinese Jews were obviously helping and working with all the diaspora Jews that started moving in – not just with the Sassoons.

An example of collaboration that demonstrates other significant tasks being completed between the Chinese Jews and the new Jews that moved in, is a man named Bruno Schindler who was actively involved. “He was the editor and head of the publishing firm Lund Humphries & Co. Ltd., as well as founder and editor of the journal Asia Major and the co-founder and publisher of the journal Islamica, Caucasica, and Armenia. During a visit to Shanghai in 1913he helped to find a Jewish community there.” (22)

Also, in the early 20th century around the 1920’s, “Jewish Soviet agents who, while in Kaifengestablished relations with the remnants of the Jewish community there…” (23)

As a result of Jewish domination in China in the 1800’s and 1900’s, Shanghai turned into “a haven for thousands of Russian Jews fleeing revolution in the 1920s. In the next decade, some 20,000 Jews came to escape Hitler’s Germany” (24). These Russian Jews were not fleeing – They were Jewish bolsheviks sent to China to become senior advisors to the future heads of the CCP. This topic will be expanded on later in the article.

It was also during the 19th-20th centuries that the Jews worked to lay the foundation of Freemasonry in China; The Jews became the leaders of the lodges as well…


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