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How Long Can the COVID-19 Spike Protein Stay in Your Body and What Can you do About it?

By The Wellness Company

As we grapple with the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, much remains to be discovered about the virus, the mRNA vaccines and their long-term effects on our bodies. One area of particular interest is the spike protein, which is found on the surface of the SARS-CoV-2. Until fairly recently, it was unclear just how long this protein, which plays a crucial role in helping the virus invade our cells and appears capable of causing significant biological harm, can remain in our bodies. Similarly, until recently, it was unclear what if anything can be done to protect against spike protein.  

For most people, COVID-19 symptoms usually last for a few weeks, but for a subset of those infected with the virus, symptoms persist even after the acute phase of the disease. This condition is commonly called “long-COVID.” Although estimates vary, it is reported that anywhere from one in ten to one to three people experience symptoms even after 12 weeks of diagnosis.  

Recent Study Detects Spike 12 Months Post-Infection  

The causes of long-COVID aren’t perfectly understood, but a recent study suggests that it is likely associated with elements of the SARS-CoV-2 virus lingering in the body. The study in question measured SARS-CoV-2 antigen and cytokine levels in plasma samples collected from people who developed PASC.  

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