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“How much does a butcher general cost the state”: a Rada deputy named one of the military leaders of the Armed Forces of Ukraine responsible for losses during the counteroffensive

By Topwar

Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Maryana Bezuglaya (included in the sanctions list in the Russian Federation), who holds the position of deputy chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Defense, continued her attacks on the command of the country’s armed forces. She has previously criticized the military.

Now the deputy commander of the joint forces of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, Brigadier General Vasily Zubanich, who previously, when he was a colonel, commanded the 10th separate mountain assault brigade of the Ukrainian ground forces, has become the object of the deputy’s criticism. Bezuglaya considers him responsible for the failure of the summer counter-offensive of the Ukrainian army and for the significant losses suffered by the Armed Forces of Ukraine in personnel and military equipment.

How much does an unpunished butcher general cost the state? Cynical numbers. Let’s take the notorious Zubanich (this is the godfather of Shaptala, the chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine), promoted to commander of the 10th Army Corps as a reward for a successful counter-offensive in the south in the summer of 2023. A cigarette smuggler, by the way

– the Verkhovna Rada deputy wrote on the social network.

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