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How the Racial Hoax of the Jews Was Finally Exposed

By Texe Marrs

The “Jews” Are Not The Seed of Abraham

The newest DNA scientific studies, showing that the people known as the Jews of Israel—and, indeed Jews all over the world—are, in fact, of Khazar, not Israelite origins, is backed by the earlier work of historians.

These historians found that their scholarly books and reports were immediately attacked by Zionists desperate to maintain the fiction that the Jews could trace their heritage all the way back to Abraham.

The Zionists knew the truth—that they are not a race but a composite of many races. They had to keep up the myth that they were a homogenous race kept together by religion and community interests for 5,000 years. Only in this way could the Zionist Jews claim to be the seed of Abraham. Only as “Israelites” could the Jews claim possession to land where they and their ancestors had never been.

The Zionists knew, too, that their genocide and ethnic cleansing against the Palestinians was not justified unless they, the Jews, had claim to the land. How else could they get the millions of evangelical Christians to support their horrible behavior?

If they were suspected of being converts to Judaism and not actually the tribes mentioned in the Bible, it was all over for them. Their Lie would be out—they would be seen for what they are—imposters.

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